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賴世雄說故事05 傑克與魔豆 2.0.1
Soyong Corporation
Original, Chinese and English contrasted, written and read byAmerican experts, Mr. Lai Shixiong explained the story and theusage of words and sentences in a humorous tone, covering about 300vocabulary, using contemporary single sentence writing, thesentence structure is simple and easy to learn, suitable forbeginners in English learning use.
25堂功能式英語會話 2.1.0
Soyong Corporation
"25 Classes of Functional English Conversation" uses 25 themes anda large number of practical example sentences to help you developthe ability to express opinions as proficient as a foreigner stepby step.
檸檬樹-標準日本語每日一句 談情說愛篇 1.6.0
Soyong Corporation
With the characteristics of clear goals, abundant emotions, andstraightforward expression in the process of love, learning populargeneral emotions, emotions, and feelings into appropriate Japanesetext and vocabulary, so that the expressive power of Japanese canbe improved to the deep semantic transmission.
檸檬樹-標準日本語每日一句 生氣吐槽篇 1.6.0
Soyong Corporation
Don't misuse impolite sentences in Chinese thinking! Swearingemotions should also be combined with grammatical rules to teachyou how to use frank Japanese that is suitable for not suppressingemotions, not caring about politeness, and self-willed vent.
大家學標準日本語:中級本 2.4.2
Soyong Corporation
The intermediate level plans to develop the necessary styles andconversations for the development of Japanese proficiency, with thegoal of mastering verb changes, combining style expressions, andexpanding the possibilities of conversation, entering the mostcritical verb changes, combining forms of verbs, and moving towardsmore diversified expressions!  
GET 旅遊英語1:從出發到飯店 2.1.0
Soyong Corporation
Are you ringing towards the end of the world? In order to solve thelanguage problem of your self-service travel, we specially designeda series of self-service travel accompanying e-books. Fromdeparture to the hotel, this book introduces in detail thenecessary self-service travel English customs clearanceconversation.
GET旅遊英語3:交通&用餐 2.1.0
Soyong Corporation
Are you ringing towards the end of the world? In order to solve thelanguage problem of your self-service travel, we specially designeda series of self-service travel accompanying e-books. This booktakes transportation and meals as the theme, and introduces indetail the necessary self-service travel English customs clearanceconversation.
GET 旅遊英語2:住宿&觀光娛樂 2.1.1
Soyong Corporation
Are you ringing towards the end of the world? In order to solve thelanguage problem of your self-service travel, we specially designeda series of self-service travel accompanying e-books. With thetheme of accommodation, sightseeing and entertainment, this bookintroduces in detail the necessary self-service travel Englishcustoms clearance conversation.
GET 旅遊英語4:購物&緊急事故 2.1.0
Soyong Corporation
Are you ringing towards the end of the world? In order to solve thelanguage problem of your self-service travel, we specially designeda series of self-service travel accompanying e-books. This booktakes shopping and emergency as the theme, and introduces in detailthe necessary self-service travel English customs clearanceconversation.
檸檬樹-標準日本語每日一句 生活實用篇 1.6.0
Soyong Corporation
A large number of specific Japanese conversation scenes areintroduced, and the regular grammar used in on-site communicationis detailed, so that learners can learn functional and practicalJapanese through the imaginary experience of living in Japan!
檸檬樹-標準日本語每日一句 商務會話篇 1.6.0
Soyong Corporation
Business Japanese is the language model used by Japanese in theworkplace. It emphasizes respecting and respecting each other inthe process of interaction, and uses the unique expression ofrespect and humility in Japanese to show this sense of language.
常春藤新多益挑戰單字 1.1
Soyong Corporation
The learning content designed by the Ivy League TOEIC® professionalteam for the latest direction of the question, combined with theMebook intelligent vocabulary recitation system, allows you tocomplete the most efficient and effective vocabulary recitationwith a unique scientific memorization method.
MeBooks英語學習館 2.5.1
Soyong Corporation
The MeBooks English Learning Center satisfies your desire fordiverse English learning in the most economical and affordable way!During the subscription period, you will have all-you-can-eat goodbooks, including ICRT Daily News English news, movies and Americandramas.
GET 新多益核心字彙:商務實戰篇 1.1
Soyong Corporation
Thematic vocabulary and conversational example sentences make thepromotion of business vocabulary more efficient! During thelearning process, the learning content will be intelligentlyadjusted according to your memory situation, so that you can spendthe least number of times of review and consolidate the words youhave learned in long-term memory.
Me國語實用辭典 1.0.7
Soyong Corporation
Me Mandarin Dictionary is a set of best reference books to helpimprove the Chinese language ability. It is free to use offline,has rigorous interpretation, rich vocabulary, and supports fuzzysearch and serial check.
關鍵英單:核心字彙2201-4400 1.0
Soyong Corporation
Use interval memory to memorize a large number of vocabulary withthe least number of reviews! Provide complete necessary vocabulary.In the learning process, according to the memory situation, thelearning content is intelligently adjusted, so that you can spendthe least number of times to review and consolidate the vocabularyyou have learned in long-term memory.
主題式圖解英單:生活篇 1.0.0
Soyong Corporation
逖克遜成語 1.0
Soyong Corporation
Each phrase has a detailed explanation, especially the usage of thewords and words, in addition to retaining the original examplesentences, supplemented by other example sentences. With theintelligent recitation system, you can use a unique scientificmemory method to complete the most efficient and effective phraserecitation.
關鍵英單:基礎字彙2200 1.0
Soyong Corporation
Use interval memory to memorize a large number of vocabulary withthe least number of reviews! Provide complete necessary vocabulary.In the learning process, according to the memory situation, thelearning content is intelligently adjusted, so that you can spendthe least number of times to review and consolidate the vocabularyyou have learned in long-term memory.
大家說英語 5.1.0
Soyong Corporation
Everybody said the English magazine content is based on practicalconversations in daily life, providing basic vocabulary and skills,allowing readers to speak beautiful English with simple words. Itis a good publication for learning daily English conversations.
Soyong Corporation
Is it difficult to learn Japanese? Through the guidance of theauthor of this book, Mr. Kou Jin, you can inspire friends who wantto learn Japanese, quickly find the correct way to learn Japanese,and work steadily, so that your Japanese ability can be improvedstep by step!
彭蒙惠英語 5.0.15
Soyong Corporation
Peng Menghui English is not only an English learning magazine, butalso a knowledge magazine that expands international horizons. Themagazine articles are carefully selected and taken frominternationally renowned newspapers and magazines. It is abrilliant masterpiece of the founder Dr. Peng Menghui and theteacher think tank.
觀光英語通—自助旅行必備英文隨身冊 2.1.1
Soyong Corporation
The content is compiled according to the situations that you mayencounter when traveling abroad, and it reads as if you haveexperienced it! The content is practical and interesting, thedialogue is natural, and the explanation is clear and easy tounderstand. It is very suitable for self-service travel enthusiastswith a certain level of English.
空中英語教室 5.0.15
Soyong Corporation
The Aerial English Classroom is served by Dr. Peng Menghui as theeditor-in-chief. It has solid and rich content, uses materials fordaily life and is practical, and the teaching is lively and lively,which can help you learn English well.
大家學標準日本語:每日一句 談情說愛篇
Soyong Corporation
With the characteristics of clear goals, abundant emotions, andstraightforward expression in the process of love, learning populargeneral emotions, emotions, and feelings into appropriate Japanesetext and vocabulary, so that the expressive power of Japanese canbe improved to the deep semantic transmission.
面試英語:面試基本功 2.0.1
Soyong Corporation
Provide the methods for successful interviews, and unify therepresentative questions frequently asked by the examinees, and theEnglish expressions of different functions, prepare readers for theinterview, so as to build self-confidence and successfully obtainthe ideal position!
Classic Reader 安徒生童話 2.1.0
Soyong Corporation
A selection of 7 famous fairy tales by Andersen, with anEnglish-Chinese contrasting way of reading and listening, will notonly lead you to savor the warmth and touch of Andersen's works,but also allow you to read the original stories. It is verysuitable for self-cultivation and strengthening yourself. Englishproficiency.
搭車英語通 2.1.0
Soyong Corporation
由賴世雄老師領軍設計的計程車實用英語,強化口說與聽力,無論司機運將在國內搭載老外或旅行者出國旅遊搭車時,都能讓 taxi talk溝通無障礙,順利抵達目的地。
常春藤英語行動學習 2.4.0
Soyong Corporation
Designed for action learning and easy to operate, it perfectlyrealizes one of Professor Lai Shixiong’s three secrets of learningEnglish: making good use of sporadic time. You can use your ears tomemorize words, train your listening skills, adjust your speechrate, check the meaning of words, etc., so that learning can becompleted in action.
常春藤新多益普級全真4回模擬測驗 2.0.1
Soyong Corporation
The simulated test questions published for TOEIC® Bridge willhelpEnglish listening and reading make rapid progress in a shortperiodof time. Including 4 complete test questions, adoptcomprehensiveanalysis, strive to be clear and easy to understand,so thatreaders can fully absorb and strengthen the ability oftaking thetest.
常春藤英檢中級閱讀-閱讀理解 2.0.1
Soyong Corporation
Compiled by teacher Lai Shixiong, completely imitating thelanguagetraining test center proposition method and content.Collection of50 reading tests, novel themes, diverse sentencestructure anddetailed explanations, as long as you use thefragmented time topractice and review, you will surely win.
常春藤英檢中高級閱讀-閱讀理解 2.0.1
Soyong Corporation
Compiled by teacher Lai Shixiong, completely imitating thelanguagetraining test center proposition method and content.Collection of40 reading tests, novel themes, diverse sentencestructure anddetailed explanations, as long as you use thefragmented time topractice and review, you will surely win.
GET 購物英語通 2.0
Soyong Corporation
Lai Shixiong’s team meticulously planned and compiled accordingtothe actual situation, aiming at the contextual dialogue usedinshopping abroad, the sentences are concise and practical, easytomemorize, the explanation of words is simple and clear, easytolearn and understand, which is quite suitable for travelingandself-learning.
書信英語通 2.1.1
Soyong Corporation